Sunday March 16th: 5pm - 7pm - Zoom Theory Online
Sunday March 23rd: 5pm - 7pm - Zoom Theory Online
Sunday March 30th: 9.30am - 12pm - In-person Practical
Information: If you would like to learn to umpire
The Introductory Umpire Award is for beginner umpires as well as those who have no formal qualifications but who umpire to assist their club or school. The Umpire Introductory Award is mostly a practical course so please wear appropriate clothing and footwear, bring your drink bottle lunch and snacks for they day. This course is suitable for umpires in year 7 or above but will only briefly cover the year 5 and 6 rules which are slightly different, the rule variations can be found HERE
Note: For this course you will need to attend one theory session and the practical session.
Cost: Free
Whistle: Participants will require a whistle for the course. We recommend the hand held whistle which costs $13 is available from us as well. If you are not purchasing a whistle, please bring one with you to the practical session!
A rule book can be downloaded for free on your smartphone by searching Rules of Netball in the appstore or on google play.
Any further questions email Ari -
Netball Waitakere Umpire Development Group 2025
Netball Waitakere undertook a development and upskilling programme to grow and evolve umpires, and our umpire numbers. The first step taken has been to coach umpires and establish a group of umpire coaches, during the 2024-2025 Summer League Competition. The intention of the development is to provide more support, mentorship and coaching to umpires in our netball community. as they continue to support their clubs and schools
The UDG will work over 3 competition nights and Saturdays, during the winter netball season, so current umpires can continue to umpire for their club and school and can be mentored/coached during these games. There is also the intention to continue growing our future umpires by continuing to offer the Introduction to Umpiring courses.
The Umpire Pathway
No qualifications
Centre Award qualification - the mentor/coach will assist to gain
Zone Award qualification – the mentor/coach will assist to gain
NZ Award
Umpiring is very rewarding and is a great way to contribute to your community, give back to the game, and to meet and connect with others involved in the sport we love. Community umpires are essential to the enjoyment and delivery of netball at your local centre.
Your first step on your umpiring journey is to complete the Netball New Zealand Learning to Umpire Module. You can find the module here Sports Tutor - Logon Page.
Here are the instructions for signing up to Sports Tutor and to find the module.New Player Umpire Module - Instructions Sports Tutor
Once you have completed your module you can work towards your Introductory or Centre Award. You will do this with help of umpire coaches at your local centre.
Umpiring FutureFerns
How to Umpire 6v6 FutureFERNS
Go to SPORTS TUTOR and register if you haven’t before. If you have previously registered, you need to then log in.
Go to the UMPIRE tab you will find the module under 6v6.
1) Understand the philosophy of FutureFERNS Netball
2) Understand the rules of the Year 5 & 6, 6 v 6 Netball game
Learning Outcomes
Parents/Coaches/Umpires will understand how to implement the 6 v 6 rules in a way that encompasses the Junior Netball philosophy.
PO Box 104-160, Lincoln North, Waitākere 0654
PH: 09 838 6856
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